Home > Food down the drain

Food down the drain

February 19th, 2010 at 07:42 pm

Sorry, this is ugly, but Sunday's food was all down the drain because of the stomach bug we all got. I'd blame my cooking, but all the kids in DD's class seem to have it too. This has made it a slow, somewhat yucky week.

I've been reading the SA experiment with Dave Ramsay and have been inspired to amass an extra $1000 just like they preach. Our emergency fund is pretty darn good, but I could use an injection of both cash and enthusiasm. I'll list some stuff on ebay and scour around for other stuff to sell and other opportunities for cash.

We've got guests coming so I've made a big pot of jambalaya for tomorrow and chicken soup and a frittata for tonight.

If I get ambitious, I may make some pumpkin bread--my hair cutter has been telling me how slow it's been, and it'd be a nice gift for her.

1 Responses to “Food down the drain”

  1. thriftorama Says:

    You should post your jambalaya recipe. I made red beans and rice last week for the first time in ages and it was fantastic.

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