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Steady as She Goes

January 26th, 2011 at 05:28 am

Well, school has officially started up again, and I'm trying to maintain the steady decluttering and calm I seem to have had over break. There's lots of stress at school with plenty of students scraping to come up with tuition, being dropped because they didn't make their deposits, and other problems. I usually teach at 8am, but nothing this term until 9:30, and I find the atmosphere around campus much busier at 9am. I used to get into the building, hunker down, teach three classes and leave, but this morning the busyness meant I had to WAIT for coffee and struggle to find a parking spot. This schedule is better for DD and DH, but I like the quietness of early morning better.

I had an interesting chat with my haircutter this afternoon. She's in her mid 30s, her husband has a landscaping business, or did before their truck got wrecked last summer. He's been working as a waiter, his restaurant closed, so they're living on her income and his unemployment with no medical insurance. I'm glad I brought her muffins, but it just amazes me how people get by. I'd be a wreck in that situation--or maybe it's just because I'm older and know what could happen?

4 Responses to “Steady as She Goes”

  1. Savings Queen Says:

    That is a sad story about your haircutter. I too am amazed at how people survive and I know there are many, many people facing those struggles. I am so glad you brought her muffins. I may seem like small thing, but it reminds me about how important even the seemingly small things can be.

  2. marvholly Says:

    I, too, prefer to be an early to start worker but for me that was 6 am. I avoided horrible commuter traffic both ways. I ALWAYS had fresh coffee as I made it. I had time to run errands on my way home so no extra gas to do my planned, normal shopping.

    Also, NO emergency interuptions from other staff for about 2 hours so I could actually get MY work done.

    It does help that I am a naturally early riser.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    I have two nephews who have lost their jobs this year -- one is an engineer and one is a pharmaceutical salesman. Both good workers, and let go because of the economy, not anything they did. I am so worried about both of them. One just bought a house before the job loss; the other moved across the country. One has four kids; the other is getting married this spring. It tears me up to think of what they are going through.

  4. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I too am amazed at how people make it on one income when they are used to having two. There are too many people out there that are struggling. It was nice of you to think of her with the muffins. I bet she appreciated them.

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