Home > January is so long!

January is so long!

January 27th, 2011 at 03:53 am

Wouldn't you like 31 days in June instead of January? I would! January seems like it drags on forever to me.

School's been so busy I haven't had time to think about money much, but am just trying to adjust to the new schedule. I teach from 9:30-1:45 with only 10 minutes between those three classes. I'm trying to figure out how to eat, drink, and stand up for that many hours.

I didn't get home until almost 2:30--and then ate lunch. I think I need some energy bars, or better snacks in my bag. I usually bring water and some string cheese with me and a piece of fruit, but I was starving when I got home. Tomorrow will be better with only one class.

Any snack suggestions from anyone out there? I need something non-messy, fairly healthy, that I can put in my bag. Good cereal bar suggestions? Or should I try making my own?

4 Responses to “January is so long!”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Trail mix??

  2. marvholly Says:

    Yep. Jan is WAAAY too long especially when its been as cold and snowy as this one. We are suppoesed to gt 2" more today between 10 a and 4 p.

    cheese & crackers
    humus & cut veggies

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Raw almonds! 15 for 105 calories. Easy to transport. Quick to eat. Full of the monounstaturated fat that keeps you full.

  4. My English Castle Says:

    You're all nuts! Yep, that's the answer. Headed to trader Joe's tomorrow.

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