Home > Taxes Undone but Basement Tackled

Taxes Undone but Basement Tackled

February 6th, 2012 at 06:35 pm

The goal for the weekend was taxes. For me, it's a lonely endeavor full of muttering, papers being flung up, and high resolves for the future. But I sort of enjoy it.

But DH had nothing on the agenda on Saturday so I locked him in the basement and we decluttered. He can't quite understand why I won't do this all myself, but I despise cleaning--especially alone and thankless cleaning. It's so much easier with someone to help make decisions, tote stuff to the car, and help rearrange things. The back of my car is now jammed with stuff.

I applaud myself for my ruthlessness. I had many things in my hand that I pondered keeping, but I must admit, some of them had tags from the last attempted garage sale. That was two years ago, and they were still untouched in my basement. So out they went. After lunch today they're headed to the charity shop.

It's a busy upcoming week full of school obligations, meetings, conferences, parties, and guests on the weekend. I've got yet another cold, so am pacing myself.

Today's goals then are to eat sensibly, review the Love and Logic discussion, haul junk to the charity shop, pick up groceries for the after-school meal program at church, catch up with my online students, and write a quiz for Thursday. Chili made for tonight and Love and Logic class enjoyed already.

Pheww--taxes will have to wait.

4 Responses to “Taxes Undone but Basement Tackled”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    You still have plenty of time for taxes. A big high five for all that decluttering! Great job.

  2. My English Castle Says:

    It's gone and I'm thrilled. A box of my mom's stuff, an old suitcase, a dozen tops, three pairs of pants, garment bags, the old car seat bag, light fixtures, DD's toys, old decorative jars and tins, you name it, we had it.
    And there is another stack of boxes and trash out back.

  3. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I bet it feels great to see more space!

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Yay for decluttering!

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