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Back Home

April 15th, 2015 at 03:58 am

and trying desperately to find the nearest Underground station to take me back. But enough of my London-itis; let's get down to business.My long-awaited $2400 showed up and has been deposited along with a rum rebate. I made some cash today reading capstone projects, and am putting together a syllabus for my upcoming Bestsellers class.

DH has not unpacked yet, so tomorrow I'll unpack all three of us while weeping copiously. And do the taxes.

Three months after I filed it, the Sonicare toothbrush rebate arrived. That $50 will go into savings.

And I do promise photo highlights this week.

5 Responses to “Back Home”

  1. laura/deacon's wife Says:

    Welcome back to ... reality!

    Seriously, I hope you're return to living in this time zone is easy. And you get your laundry and taxes done.

    I will patiently wait upload of photos. Smile
    Good money day, too.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I know, I know -- London -- American Midwestern city. Not much comparison, but welcome home, anyway. The Best Sellers class sounds fun!

  3. Bluebird Says:

    Welcome back!!!

  4. Buendia Says:

    I can sympathize (or I should say sympathise!)... my mother in law just visited from the UK, bringing Aero bars and some other goodies from Waitrose. Even that made me sort of sad; it's like there's an alternative me with an alternative life (although I lived in Ireland, not the UK... but spent lots of time in England and have a lot of good friends in those islands). I can't wait to see photos as well!

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Glad to have you back Smile

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