Home > A Frugal 4th!

A Frugal 4th!

July 4th, 2018 at 07:48 pm

It's been a hot day here, but we've managed to make it a Frugal 4th so far. Most of the frugality has come from cooking. This is a strange thing to admit, but despite being 1000 years old and cooking a lot, I've never made pancakes without a mix before. I've always had Bisquik or Krusteaz around, but not today. I'd promised DD red, white, and blue pancakes, so found a recipe online and stirred some up. We decided they were a great success, though a bit putzy. I may make up some dry ingredients ahead and store enough for a few batches for us. I wonder what other surprises the Ultra-Frugal Month will offer? I also stirred up a batch of granola, made potato salad for tonight's dinner using some of the lovely garlic scapes from the CSA along with some radishes, and roasted some CSA beets.
DD is off to Summerfest, our big music festival, with her friends, so the Old Brit and I will have the day to ourselves. I have lots of prep work for my upcoming class as does he. The midweek 4th doesn't seem quite as festive to me. But still fun and time to think about ways to make the country better for all of us.

3 Responses to “A Frugal 4th!”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    It's been many years since I've bought a pancake mix! Same with brownies -- just as easy to make from scratch. Of course, I have very little pantry room, so I have strong incentive not to buy mixes.

  2. Jenn Says:

    My CSA box had garlic scrapes and beets this week too!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    One thing I discovered with making my own pancake mix is if I make it ahead a couple of hours and put it in the fridge, it has a better consistency.

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