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Archive for February, 2010

Food down the drain

February 19th, 2010 at 07:42 pm

Sorry, this is ugly, but Sunday's food was all down the drain because of the stomach bug we all got. I'd blame my cooking, but all the kids in DD's class seem to have it too. This has made it a slow, somewhat yucky week.

I've been reading the SA experiment with Dave Ramsay and have been inspired to amass an extra $1000 just like they preach. Our emergency fund is pretty darn good, but I could use an injection of both cash and enthusiasm. I'll list some stuff on ebay and scour around for other stuff to sell and other opportunities for cash.

We've got guests coming so I've made a big pot of jambalaya for tomorrow and chicken soup and a frittata for tonight.

If I get ambitious, I may make some pumpkin bread--my hair cutter has been telling me how slow it's been, and it'd be a nice gift for her.

Quiet Week

February 12th, 2010 at 06:14 pm

It's been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon.. oh wait, that's that other Minnesotan. But it's been a quiet week here too, even with a snow storm and plenty of school-related work.

My ebay listings have bids, our checking account is finally getting back to normal after the car purchase, and we are, as promised, eating our way through the freezer stocks.

I'm looking forward to the beginning of the Olympics, Valentine's day and a weekend at home, as well as tackling the taxes.

Super Monday?

February 8th, 2010 at 04:32 pm

Well, maybe not super yet, but I've started another round of decluttering and ebay selling. I'm continually floored at how much stuff we have, and will offer up some of DD's clothes on freecycle as well.

I've also decided to devote the next six weeks to improving my overall health and keeping a health and food journal. Nothing's really wrong; I'd just like to have more energy and eat better consistently. On that happy note I've made a pot of Italian veggie soup to prepare for the onslaught of snow headed our way.

Super Bowl Sunday is usually spent on the taxes, but we were busy yesterday with playdates and Sunday school and university prep, so they'll have to wait a bit.

One point for today

February 3rd, 2010 at 05:31 am

In honor of the "Food Out" challenge, I made coffee this morning instead of buying my cheapo cup at school. Not quite as fun, but I did save $1.42. Dinner was again from the freezer.

After a month off, my school days seem very long to me right now. Perhaps it's the slog through the snow?


February 1st, 2010 at 06:51 pm

I've got lots of other money things to blog about, but they'll have to wait until tomorrow.
I do a few online surveys: Pinecone, Carol Adams, Buzzback, but I'm thinking of NOT doing e-rewards any more. Their "rewards" are lousy (too many magazine subscriptions and things we don't use), and they seem to
demand an awful lot for the not-so-hot rewards. Any one else use or dump them?