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Back From the Conference

November 2nd, 2010 at 04:02 am

I'm back from four days in Chicago at a professional conference. I spent two days at the conference, and another fun two days with girlfriends who flew down to play with me.

My happy news is that the university is reimbursing all my conference expenses. I'm very glad! Last year I footed all my professional conference bills myself; although they include those points in promotion packages, they often won't pay for even the most frugal travel expenses.

While I was frugal with their money, eating every meal at publishers' events, and using hotwire for my hotel, I did spend a nice amount on my play days, but it was very fun and well worth it. I've got a friend who is a huge Chagall fan, and the Art Institute had their Chagall window reinstalled. It's beautiful! The weather was also great, and it was pure pleasure to walk around.

On the heat front, my DH just asked if we were EVER going to switch the heat on. Usually it's me that is so cold, but I expect we'll relent one day this week.

4 Responses to “Back From the Conference”

  1. Homebody Says:

    DH built the first fire of the season on Saturday and we had to open all the windows to cool it down!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I love the Chagall window. Glad you had fun in my city!

  3. momcents Says:

    What else did you do? I haven't been to the Art Institute in awhile; you might have inspired me to do something like that for my birthday which is later this month!

  4. My English Castle Says:

    I love the Art Institute. We found the Chagall mosaic that lives outside too, down by the library. I used to work (light years ago) at the CME, so it was great to be back. The publishers I've been working with took us to Tommy Gun's--I'd normally not go for that sort of thing, but it was fun with a group. Then we went to hear some jazz. We had a great time.

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