Home > Keeping a lid on it... till it spilled

Keeping a lid on it... till it spilled

March 3rd, 2011 at 05:20 am

I'm trying hard to be hyperaware of spending with all the salary and benefits cuts coming. I made it to double-coupon day between teaching and taking DD to dance. I got some very good deals: free pasta sauce, toothpaste, mustard, and half price chocolate milk. All very well until I dropped the gallon of chocolate milk on the tile floor, causing a chocolate milk tsunami. Tonight while grading I've discovered a failing student submitted a late paper that was entirely copied from a website.

While yesterday seemed like I was living a bad MI-5 episode, today seems more like a lame sitcom.

2 Responses to “Keeping a lid on it... till it spilled”

  1. KiwiJo09 Says:

    Life gets that way sometimes. It'll turn up though. Just take it one day at a time. Good things will come. Smile

  2. Jerry Says:

    That's just a sickening feeling, knowing that students are plagiarizing papers like that. I see some of my classmates turning in stuff that I KNOW they couldn't write, and some profs don't even check. Soooo, at least you are doing it right, and your good students have insurance that you care about what is being turned in. Hang in there...

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