Home > Raise your germ-y hand...

Raise your germ-y hand...

February 22nd, 2008 at 05:37 pm

if you and your family are struggling with colds and flu right now.

It seems every blog I read we're all saying the same thing, so let's take a tally.

We're at the tail (I hope) end of it, but I'll count us as #1.


5 Responses to “Raise your germ-y hand...”

  1. denisentexas Says:

    I woke up this morning with the beginnings of an upper respiratory thing. My chest feels tight, I have a cough, and a raging headache. Does that count? If so, consider my hand raised.... in a germ-y sorta way.

  2. mulyanto Says:

    I haven't been sick since my Freshman year in college, which was 8 years ago. Hope I can keep the streak going for a while. The closest I have been to being sick was drinking too much at a superbowl party a couple weeks ago.

  3. fern Says:

    I h ad it already, a few weeks ago, but it's still making the rounds at my office. No more sickness!

  4. debtfreeme Says:

    not sick here!

  5. toyguy1963 Says:

    Proudly raising hand/ then covers mouth coughing.
    Yep i've been sick for a week.
    Had to miss the past 3 days of work. Fortunatly i will get paid for that at least. I tried to tough it out as I usually do without going to a doctor or calling off work. But this time it beat me. Missed the 3 days and had to go to a doctor.
    Not only had the flu but some weird cyst suddenly appeared at my neck. Now i have to see a new doctor to find out what this cyst thing is. I never have had much of a social life, but now that I look a little like the elephant man I guess I can forget about that.

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