Home > A no-spend leap day

A no-spend leap day

March 1st, 2008 at 04:35 am

Hey! I just realized I was at meetings all day and didn't spend a dime!
And they were actually fun meetings!
With food!

I'm about 75 percent into my 25K emergency fund, and am hoping to get there in the next couple months (barring emergencies!

Hello March! Let's hope spring is on the way!

2 Responses to “A no-spend leap day”

  1. noexcusebudget Says:

    Great job! I'd love to go a day without spending... sometimes happens, but it's normally when I'm housebound for some reason, like with a sick kid or something...

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    Way to go! Yesterday was a no spender for me too! And seriously, GREAT job on being 75% of goal on your emergency fund!

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