Home > August Budget seeping continues

August Budget seeping continues

August 8th, 2008 at 04:20 pm

Besides the insurance payments due, and my adjunct job forgetting to pay me, all the back to school shopping has to continue. I've done really well with specials at Target, AlGreens, and Office Depot/Max, but DD needs two new pair of gym shoes and another pair of regular school shoes.

Oh yeah, and then there's the money for school lunches, and some sort of "activity" fee.

I have to say I'm sorely tempted by the cutie shoes like umi and other upscale kid's brands. We've had terrible luck with Carter's and other Kohl's brands. The velcro doesn't stay on, and despite my valiant efforts at supergluing it, we may get one pair of nicer shoes for HRH.

2 Responses to “August Budget seeping continues”

  1. momcents Says:

    My kids always get new shoes (one thing I won't scrimp on). I also find that by buying a bran like Sketchers or other namebrands, they do last longer - 9 months on average. Of course, we only get them on sale and watch for ads like ShoeCarnival or Kohl's or JCP.

  2. Amber Says:

    I have got to get some school shopping done myself, thanks for the reminder

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