Home > Finally got paid

Finally got paid

August 31st, 2008 at 06:08 pm

My extra teaching job finally paid me, so we're solvent without touching the back-up or emergency fund. I can see more expenses looming in the future--car repair, dentist,
etc, but we're also only a month away from my regular paycheck.

Summer has again taught me we can indeed live on one of our incomes--but it's not very pretty. Perhaps if all the retirement stuff was funded, DD's college fund, and the house was paid off it would be easier.

But I have to say, I love teaching, and I'm looking forward to it. Someone please remind me of that later in the month when I've already started to complain!

Frugal choices for today will include eating lovelies from the freezer supplemented with that farmers' market produce and hanging out the laundry.

2 Responses to “Finally got paid”

  1. fern Says:

    i hung out 2 loads of laundry this am and it dried very quickly.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Oh yeah, the laundry! I left it in the washer last night! If not for your blog, tomorrow I'd be wondering where my blue t-shirt was.

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