Home > Ugly Car Expenses

Ugly Car Expenses

September 3rd, 2008 at 06:29 pm

DH just e-mailed with the lovely news that my car needs both new brakes and a new tie rod. Just when I was feeling good about
payday being a month away. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

I will say though, I'm not spending much.
Expenses have been limited to a coffee at school and not much else.

Since it's cooled off here, maybe I should make chili tonight instead or picking something up at the double-coupon shopping extravaganza? That might save a buck or two.

Sigh--I hate car expenses.

1 Responses to “Ugly Car Expenses”

  1. onesexylady Says:

    i hear you on that one I just spent $110 on one tire $50 on an oil change and tire rotation and now i need new brake pads. Sigh I'm right here with ya

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