Home > Today's Good Deed

Today's Good Deed

October 14th, 2008 at 06:16 pm

Here's today's good deed:
I had an opportunity to reclaim one of my canceled classes for spring term, but it would mean that a colleague would be below half time and would lose her health insurance.

I can probably take the hit, but saddle her with out-of-pocket health insurance? Nope.

So I deferred, hoping to pick up a summer class or something else to make up the deficit. Plus--canceling an 8am class may mean an extra 30 minutes of sleep for me and the hassle for my husband of taking child to school every day.

I feel so virtuous and would like to take a nap to celebrate, but I have a class until 10 tonight.


3 Responses to “Today's Good Deed”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    Bless you for doing the right thing! I am sure that your coworker appreciates this gesture. And if I could sleep an additional 30 minutes a morning and have DH deal with the morning madness, it might be well worth it! Good going!

  2. dmontngrey Says:

    Wow, that certainly was a good deed. Good for you! Making someone be without health insurance would cause me not to sleep well.

  3. compulsive debtor Says:

    May good karma come your way in return for your good deed...

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