Home > Soup's on

Soup's on

October 17th, 2008 at 05:29 pm

Today's chilly day has had me stationed at home to make soup from the leftover chicken, apple cranberry crisp, and stir up a batch of bread.
I'm doing laundry and aiming to put up some of that 3M plastic over some windows over the weekend.
Because it's only one day a week that I'm not at school, I love these domestic days.

It's nice and cheap too with the oven warming the house up. The house is full of good smells, and maybe it'll be cleaner too by the end of the day. I'm a happy home mouse today.

7 Responses to “Soup's on”

  1. retire@50 Says:

    sounds like a wonderful meal

  2. fern Says:

    Sounds like 1 day in the life of Fern!

  3. baselle Says:

    Ka Ching! I own 3M stock. Thank you for using their products. Smile

  4. my english castle Says:

    Baselle: I'm a Minnesotan by birth. I breathe 3M.
    I don't suppose you want to head over to Target and help their earnings for me?

  5. HelpMeFriend Says:

    I will be using some cheap-o plastic. I believe that will suffice, since it is pretty darn thick.

  6. my english castle Says:

    I've tried non 3=M products for the inside plastic, but truly love the 3M tape. Off brands of tape are just bad.

  7. baselle Says:

    Matter of fact, if I hit a retailer, its Target. I bought about $30 there right before the Montana vacation.

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