Home > Expensive Week

Expensive Week

April 9th, 2009 at 04:52 am

It's been an expensive week. We're having a busy social weekend with a birthday party for my Mom, Easter travel, new clothes needed for DH and DD (and uhm, a new dress for me).

A dear friend lost her mom this week, and other friends are in the hospital. We've spent big chunks on flowers, memorials, cards, and everything else.

The crunch time of the semester is also here, so I'm very busy at work. Thankfully we've been eating from the freezer, but there's little time for bargain shopping or price comparisons.

I've decided this is "don't sweat the small stuff" week, and will get back on the frugality wagon next week.

Most of what we bought was necessary. DD outgrew her shoes, DH put his knee through a pair of work's just like that. So no sweat, and a better week for us next week.

Happy Easter, Passover and Spring to you all.

(and I did manage to list a few things on ebay!)

1 Responses to “Expensive Week”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Happy Easter, etc. to you too!

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