Home > Back on the Frugality Freighter

Back on the Frugality Freighter

April 13th, 2009 at 08:58 pm

We're back from a weekend away. All in all, it wasn't THAT expensive, considering we hosted a birthday party for 25 for my Mom's birthday and had a couple of meals out.

But another contractor from DH's job just got laid off, and the situation there continues dire.

In the meantime, my ebay listings all sold, contributing $36.03 to this month's ebay total; now I just have to make up for missing March! And a nice thrifty dinner soup is next on the agenda.

2 Responses to “Back on the Frugality Freighter”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Good luck and hope you avoid the Somali Spendy Pirates!

  2. my english castle Says:

    If I do, have the Navy Seals take me out. Matter of fact, I always wanted to go out with a Navy Seal, but that was a long time ago. A Navy Walrus would be more my speed these days.

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