Home > Planning the Summer

Planning the Summer

May 14th, 2009 at 05:52 pm

I'm formulating summer plans, both for DD and for us. We're putting a garden in, and right now (oh the joys of school over), I've got laundry on the line. I just got a rhubarb plant from a friend so that's going in my garden.

I want to make a list of summer goals and summer dreams. I wonder what they'll be?

On the more mundane side, I'm just back from an estate sale at a lovely home. I got a great deal on ordinary things like packages of unopened birthday candles for 10cents and some cute homemade draft blockers for next winter. Indeed one of my summer goals is to find a couple pretty but cheap wool blankets at an estate sale to replace the ugly thermal ones in our guest room.

No other news except looking for gifts for the round of graduations and wedding showers that is just beginning.

3 Responses to “Planning the Summer”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    I absolutely love estate sales! My "nightstand" came from one and I paid more than I normally would have for it - $10. I think it's more of a telephone table or something like that. It was just right for what I needed and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Hmm...we have a car this weekend, and are planning to go yardsaling anyway, so maybe I should look around for estate sales! Do you have a preferred source--classifieds, online--for finding out about them?

  3. my english castle Says:

    In our town, they're listed in the Sunday paper. The companies who run them place ads, and I also check their websites. At least here, there are companies whose sales I will not attend--they don't clean enough and set their prices oddly. The biggest estate sale company here frequently has two-day sales, and on the second day, things are marked half price. I find them especially good for kitchenware. We melted a pizza cutter the other night, and I picked up a new one for 25cents.

    My mom is small (and old!) so I can often get NWT clothes to fit her as well. This morning I bought a pretty black Laura Ashley skirt (for me!) for $1.50.

    I hope you find a good one!

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