Home > Basement Expenses --Ugh

Basement Expenses --Ugh

June 12th, 2010 at 01:45 am

The basement project continues, but today the electrician's bid came in. He was (gasp) $4000, and the others who bid were a bit higher. The former homeowner wired huge swathes of the basement himself, and none of it is up to current code. Honestly, I thought the electrician would be 1-2000, so I am feeling a little sick now.

My brain is working OT trying to come up with ways to save on other things, especially until my university paycheck begins in the fall. We have the money for it, but it would hit our domestic emergency fund pretty hard. Ugh Ugh Ugh.

1 Responses to “Basement Expenses --Ugh”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    Well code wiring is a great long term investment. I think you will sleep easier knowing the chances of fire have been diminished.

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