Home > Late-Summer Jobs

Late-Summer Jobs

August 26th, 2010 at 02:12 am

I've got tons of editing jobs left to do, the garden needs to be weeded, the kitchen cabinets need a sorting through and reorganizing, my syllabi need another check, and I've still got most of my mom's stuff to list and sell. Oh, and old gold jewelry to be sold and doctor's appointments etc. What I suspect I really need is a day without DD in the house to get caught up on things.

But it's hard to resist an 8-year-old who wants to create new hairstyles for hours on end and read books with guinea pigs as the main characters. A week from today she starts back to school, and as antsy as I'm feeling about getting things done, I'd rather hang out with her a little bit more.

We had a good day shopping for shoes, made some survey cash, listed a couple things on ebay, and went grocery shopping. But the best part was sitting in the cool sunshine and pulling out creeping charlie with the girl and pretending it was spaghetti.

My jobs can wait another few days......

2 Responses to “Late-Summer Jobs”

  1. Homebody Says:

    Yes, spend the time with your daughter while you can. All too soon, she will be busy with friends.

    On the other hand, with no job right now, I am so enjoying spending time with my granddaughter, mostly playing with super Mr. Potato Head purchased at Costco. She loves that thing!

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Time spent with your daughter -- Priceless.

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