Today I listed one of the textbooks I unearthed in the office, and lo and behold, Amazon offered me a couple bucks more than the going price for it.
It listed originally for $45, but a used copy was selling for $19, and Amazon offered me $22 postage paid.
They don't offer cash, but an Amazon gift card (almost as spendable as cash in our house). Has anyone else used this? It looks as if they're trying the system on textbooks. But I'm happy to send it to them (or their clearing house) immediately without the problem of listing it.
I'll let y'all know how it goes, and I'm adding the $22 to my ebay totals.
Amazon Trade-In?
September 4th, 2010 at 02:24 am
September 4th, 2010 at 03:06 pm 1283609173
September 4th, 2010 at 06:19 pm 1283620769
September 5th, 2010 at 01:52 am 1283647932