Home > Health Club Happiness

Health Club Happiness

September 21st, 2010 at 09:59 pm

Before DH and DD came along, I was a regular at my local health club. I worked fewer hours, weighed less, and had much more energy. Middle age, longer work hours, and the increasing demands of the family (and lots of laziness) have made me reluctant to join another one, though boy do I need it. Money was also a reason to hesitate.
But last Saturday we took a look at the fancy schmancy club by our house and fell in love. They have a great pool for DD, lots of machines that I can use, free trainer sessions, lots of classes, a beautiful locker room, and reduced rates on massages. We took out a one-month trial membership. DD and DH have been swimming a couple times already, and today after teaching I went to a session with the trainer. She was upbeat, fun, and spotted my "issues" immediately. The key question is, Will we go enough to justify it?

On principle, I'd prefer the Y, but this is less than half a mile from the house. The Y is miles and miles away.
I'm giving it a month, and then we'll re-evaluate. But for now, I love it.

5 Responses to “Health Club Happiness”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Amen to everything you said (well, except trying out a gym--but I am mentally preparing to try and get back in shape once I'm done nursing!) Good luck and let us know how it works out!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    Ceejay--that's when I needed it most! After that extra 500 or so calorie deficit from nursing ended, I gained 10lbs pretty quickly. I guess I got used to eating those extra calories. I'll keep you posted.

  3. Homebody Says:

    I know so many people say oh they lost all their weight breastfeeding. Well that did not happen for me or my now 23-year-old daughter. She joined Weight Watchers on line the other day and is walking daily with 2-year-old Ally in a stroller.

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    Homebody - every body/pregnancy is different. I lost all the weight in a pinch the first time. Second time I did too, but then my hormones went whacked and I was gaining weight like crazy. Like 5+ pounds a week. with no change to my diet. My doctor told me I was getting "older." (I was 28?). Rolleyes I finally stopped breastfeeding, which helped. My doc had told me some of my other more troubling issues would go away when I stopped breastfeeding. Weight gain was one of them - phew. I'd say it took years for my hormones to settle down though.

    Which is normal. What I find shocking is I run into people in the neighborhood I met briefly when my youngest was born 5 years ago. I run into them now and they are all so skinny - I often don't recgonize them. I think the hormones can just do a number on you. I was one of the few I know who stayed relatively slim after having kids. But a few years out and most of them seem to be losing the baby fat. I Can't help but feel that getting a good night's sleep helps, too.

    I've still got some baby fat to lose, but am often just relieved that I am not gaining weight at lightning speed. That really scared me - I had never had such rapid weight gain like that before. Those hormones can go any which way.

  5. MonkeyMama Says:

    Homebody - every body/pregnancy is different. I lost all the weight in a pinch the first time. Second time I did too, but then my hormones went whacked and I was gaining weight like crazy. Like 5+ pounds a week. with no change to my diet. My doctor told me I was getting "older." (I was 28?). Rolleyes I finally stopped breastfeeding, which helped. My doc had told me some of my other more troubling issues would go away when I stopped breastfeeding. Weight gain was one of them - phew. I'd say it took years for my hormones to settle down though.

    Which is normal. What I find shocking is I run into people in the neighborhood I met briefly when my youngest was born 5 years ago. I run into them now and they are all so skinny - I often don't recgonize them. I think the hormones can just do a number on you. I was one of the few I know who stayed relatively slim after having kids. But a few years out and most of them seem to be losing the baby fat. I Can't help but feel that getting a good night's sleep helps, too.

    I've still got some baby fat to lose, but am often just relieved that I am not gaining weight at lightning speed. That really scared me - I had never had such rapid weight gain like that before. That was after losing 30 baby pounds in a couple of weeks. Those hormones can go any which way.

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