Home > It's Pay Day!

It's Pay Day!

October 1st, 2010 at 10:46 pm

Now we're not normally a paycheck-to-paycheck family, but it's been almost three months since I've been paid. My summer university paychecks were delayed, and my fall teaching is always a month behind. So I'm very grateful it's pay day at last.

I spent the morning at a teaching technology seminar with bagels--which served nicely as both breakfast and lunch, so new new expenses so far.

A big pot of Italian vegetable soup is on the menu for tonight, and I look forward to a relaxing weekend.
Happy October everyone!

2 Responses to “It's Pay Day!”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Happy October!

  2. Homebody Says:

    Hurray for payday! Hurray for the weekend! Hurray for Italian vege soup.

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