Two of my ebay items sold today for a total of $27.
I'm slowly decluttering and am always amazed at how much growing children contribute to excess stuff. We've been going through outgrown toys, books, clothes, and shoes at such a rate, it makes me dizzy. I wonder how people with large families handle it. Hat's off to them.
No other financial news except I had lunch out with an old friend today. I almost always eat lunch at home since I'm done teaching by early afternoon. But it was lovely to sit outdoors in the October sunshine and catch up. I ended up with leftovers for tomorrow's lunch to boot.
We've already booked a cottage for our UK trip next year and Financially Free's post about her first-class tickets to Peru had made me determined to get two of our UK tickets free this year. We usually can swing one, but two would be outstanding.
October 6th, 2010 at 02:06 am
October 6th, 2010 at 08:59 pm 1286395146
Now if I can just get her to weed out the toys, especially the 10 stuffed animals/babies she drags to every room in the house!