Home > Suddenly Rather Flush!

Suddenly Rather Flush!

October 7th, 2010 at 10:22 pm

After scrimping our way through September, all my freelance money seems to have come in at once. My editing checks, the seminar I led earlier in the summer, plus the medical reimbursement. It's lovely, but it's taken a little getting used to.

Speaking of being flush, I tipped my coffee servers $1 this morning. They almost fainted. Apparently no one ever tips them. Or they admit, one in 25. I buy coffee every day at the university, am served by the same students every day, and they're very sweet, even to grumpy me before the caffeine kicks in. My daily coffee is $1.50 with the reusable cup bonus. Is it that unusual to tip the coffee folks?

I've updated my ebay totals and the mortgage to reflect our current status.

1 Responses to “Suddenly Rather Flush!”

  1. baselle Says:

    That's where my found money pennies go: into the coffee server tip jars. A few of the zinc ones were pretty nasty and for that I feel plenty guilty.

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