Home > Busy and Tired

Busy and Tired

November 6th, 2010 at 02:48 am

That's me lately: Busy and Tired.
I probably should stay up late again tonight and grade, grade, grade. But I've spent twelve hours on school stuff today--publisher visits, presentations, student conferences, preparation--and frankly, I'm tired of it.

Although it's not yet 10pm here, I'm going to bed in the hopes that I can face 70 new student papers tomorrow feeling energetic and reinvigorated.

I ate breakfast at a meeting, lunch at another meeting, and my dinner was a sandwich and a brownie from yet another meeting. Perhaps some of my tiredness comes from vaguely unhealthy meeting food?

Good Night!

6 Responses to “Busy and Tired”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    I have to update students' grades also and our budget items need to be put in for consideration for next year. Tedious work and I'm really not up to it today. Maybe tomorrow! I hope you feel invigorated today!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I hope you are refreshed today. Good luck getting it all accomplished.

  3. Homebody Says:

    12 hours is too long a day! Relax.

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Speaking as a student, I love logging into my account and finding something graded. Big Grin
    You are in the same boat as my 5345 teacher. Tomorrow is the deadline for our final draft of the Action Research Proposal. I think there are at least 70+ students in the class. Each paper is 5 -7 pages long. I don't envy her at all!

  5. My English Castle Says:

    Thank you all for your good wishes. I spent about four hours grading last night and took some to church with me while DD was in choir practice. I'm going to finish upi the exams tonight, then on to the papers.

  6. My English Castle Says:

    Thank you all for your good wishes. I spent about four hours grading last night and took some to church with me while DD was in choir practice. I'm going to finish up the exams tonight, then on to the papers.

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