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Ignored Too Long?

November 10th, 2010 at 05:17 am

I've been sort of ignoring our finances lately because I've been so busy at work, and I've decided it has to stop. No big crisis, they just need more attention. One case in point: Too frequently on the way home from teaching, I've been stopping at the local "expensive" grocers for their specials, and (it's true!) buying myself a deli lunch or some sort of food reward.

There's no real need for that, and today I came home and ate a decent-enough bowl of Progresso Veggie soup and a whole-wheat tortilla and cheese. Would I rather have a treat from the fancy grocer? Yep! But it was fine and saved me probably $5 over what I've been spending. Little leaks need attention too. Plus I was home earlier and watched MI5 on library DVD while grading. That's a real treat for me!

2 Responses to “Ignored Too Long?”

  1. momcents Says:

    Love, love, love MI-5. Didn't so much like the new Sherlock this past week.

  2. My English Castle Says:

    I love MI5 too, but even the Brit husband says the American accents are terrible. It's like a mini-trip to London every week.

    I started to watch Sherlock, got interrupted, and then couldn't follow it. Not so hot, eh?

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