Home > Haven't Blogged Much

Haven't Blogged Much

November 17th, 2010 at 03:58 am

I haven't blogged much lately as I've been diligently working my way through a pile of British Lit papers. Only occasionally do I think about rolling down the car window and letting them fly all over the road.

It's been an inexpensive week on my front; I made a big pot of soup on Sunday and have been eating it for lunch--avoiding the deli specials that put a dent in my budget. We spent part of the weekend winterizing the lawn and garden and a few hours putting up removable caulking. I hate to admit this, but we've never caulked the windows before. I hope it helps with our heating bill.

I officially got a full teaching load for spring semester again, so that takes one worry out of the mix. We can make it fine on three classes rather than four; it's just easier with four.

I still have a couple of money-related errands on my "to-do" list. One is to sell some gold jewelry of my parents. There's only a few things, but I've never sold gold before. Any advice? I plan on getting a couple estimates, but I don't want to drive all over town.

Back to those papers....

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