Home > Best Intentions

Best Intentions

January 5th, 2011 at 11:13 pm

Someday I'll get out of the house! I was up coughing AGAIN for a long time last night and so was dragging today. I was determined to make it the grocers, but sat down after getting my list and coupons together and promptly fell asleep for 90 minutes. By the time I woke up, DD was home from school.

But the nap helped and I'm optimistic about seeing daylight tomorrow!

So again, I haven't spent a thing! However, if I don't get out soon, we'll have to eat those strange cracker leftovers in the back of the cupboard or have popcorn for dinner tomorrow.

1 Responses to “Best Intentions”

  1. Homebody Says:

    My sister called yesterday morning and it has hit here too. So sorry you are not feeling well.

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