Home > The Dread Closet

The Dread Closet

January 12th, 2011 at 04:23 pm

Actually, only one of the dread closets will be tackled today. Today--the guest room closet. I committed to hosting some college kids singing in our church choir at the end of the month. This has indeed spurred me into taking a look at the guest room closet--and all the guest room.

Like many people, I suspect, the guest room in our house quickly becomes the junk room. I have so much stuff stuffed into that closet, and it has to be dealt with. For reasons beyond my imagining, we have six bed pillows in there, four heavy blankets, tons of "gifty" things that never got given to anyone, various other bizarre items.

I always try to pick up small items to send our World Vision sponsored child and other small things for Operation Christmas Child, but I had maybe eight small bags that didn't get sent this year. I put them all in a shoebox to remember for next year. Thankfully they were things like colored pencils etc, that will keep nicely. I'm freecycling,ebaying, and starting a donation box. Somehow I thought I'd be done in 30 minutes, and 90 minutes into it, I'm taking a break. Wish me luck!

4 Responses to “The Dread Closet”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    Keep at it! I just tackled my horrible laundry room!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Good luck!!

  3. SavingsQueen Says:

    Congrats! That feels great!

  4. miclason Says:

    You can do it!!! Beat that closet!!!

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