Home > Still hauling stuff out

Still hauling stuff out

January 14th, 2011 at 04:36 pm

I went downstairs this morning to do a load of laundry and thought--man--some of this has got to go.
I think guilt makes me hang onto things. I bought a framed chicken picture (don't ask) at an estate sale a couple of years ago. About two weeks after I bought it, it fell on my head. That should have been a sign that it and I were not meant for each other. The glass broke, the picture tore, but still, it's been in the basement since then. Today it got boxed up and has exited the house.

My slippers, ruined from another spilling disaster, were also downstairs. I was putting away wine, dropped a bottle (of course the good stuff) and the slippers were beyond help. I've since bought a new pair, but the ruined ones stared sadly up from the laundry room floor. They've left quietly with the chicken picture.

DH and I need to spend a couple hours in the basement tomorrow getting it up and running nicely. Sometimes I feel like shouting at things, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

4 Responses to “Still hauling stuff out”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I have a few of those types of things. My daughter had a sweater that she recently ripped a large hole in the sleeve. Unrepairable. Clearly trash, but it took me over two weeks to dump it in the trash!!

    Good job on all you have been doing. You are motivating me!

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    For future reference, soaking in hydrogen peroxide can get red wine stains out. Sometimes they disappear so quickly before your eyes, that it seems like magic.

  3. snafu Says:

    Good on you letting items go when they don't serve you or have been replaced. What's the plan to get your basement 'up and running?' Will you be subdividing your space into zones for ? Did you develop an area for storage? How do you use the space adjacent to the washer/dryer? Do you have a system to hang clothes to reduce expensive dryer time?

    I ask because I made myself angry when I discovered I'd off loaded the books, moved a bookcase, put back more than half the books and then realized that the most important electric outlet was no longer easily accessible. Gratefully, a surge protector was added so that electronics could be added/removed.

  4. My English Castle Says:

    Hi Snafu--We had the basement "remodeled" last year, and DH is supposed to move his office down there. He's not the world's best organizer, so I need to spend some time down there getting things set up. My favorite part of the basement is the whole wall of closets.

    He's got the bookcases and electronics set up, but it's still a tip. I need to spend a day moving things around.

    And thanks for the tip, Joan. Unfortunately for those slippers, the wine ruined the felt bottoms, and they had to go. They were my favorite Minnetonka Mocs and I was sad to see them leave!

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