Home > Skating Along

Skating Along

January 16th, 2011 at 11:54 pm

It's been a cold Sunday here, but we got some things done. DD has tomorrow off, and we have fairly lofty ambitions for what we can accomplish. The husband took an old TV to Best Buy today to be recycled, and they charged him $10, but gave him a $10 gift card. A bit strange, but we're going to need a few things from Best Buy soon anyway.

The January decluttering continued with promises from Freecyclers to pick up boxes tomorrow, and one showing up today to pick up some software DD had outgrown.

I've got Cornish hens in the oven with sweet potatoes, we're back from skating at the school rink, and life seems pretty good right now!

Happy Martin Luther King Day tomorrow to all of you!

3 Responses to “Skating Along”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Your dinner sounds delicious! It's cold here, too.

  2. Savings Queen Says:

    Good idea on the cornish hens...just remembered that I have two in my freezer and a hungry boy at home. Maybe tomorrow night...

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That was a strange exchange at Best Buy.

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