Home > Big Decluttering Continues

Big Decluttering Continues

January 18th, 2011 at 09:01 pm

I've sold lots of books and a couple of other things on ebay for (I can't quite believe this myself) $478 in the last two weeks. Some of it was stuff from the closets, unused textbooks, some of my mom's things--and I'm going to have to start tipping the guys at the PO soon, I'm there so much.

I advertised on freecycle for someone to get our moving boxes from seven years ago, and they actually came on time today! In between, I met with a student, dropped my book donations at the library, and another huge box at the Salvation Army.

I'm very pleased with how well it's all been flying out of here. Long may it continue! Great buys on red peppers and Yukon golds--so that looks like dinner tonight.

2 Responses to “Big Decluttering Continues”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Wow! You are doing great. Keep the momentum going!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    That is a fantastic amount of progress!

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