Home > Goodbye January

Goodbye January

February 1st, 2011 at 05:02 am

It's snowing here and everyone is predicting a "snow day" for Wednesday. I'd be happy to have a day at home with DD, DH, and a big pot of soup.

It's been a cheap day with leftover pizza for lunch and no snacks purchased at school. I need to spend some time tomorrow looking over financial accounts, paying bills, and cleaning up my files. It must be the weather--I just feel like nesting!

3 Responses to “Goodbye January”

  1. Savings Queen Says:

    Sounds wonderful! Enjoy!!

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    I'm so happy to be one month closer to spring! No work for me today because of inclement weather.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    I think we might get our snow day tomorrow too. The amount of snow predicted is less, but blizzard winds, that has to count for a snow day.

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