Home > February Continues!

February Continues!

February 3rd, 2011 at 09:21 pm

I understand why Valentine's Day is in February. If it stays this cold and snowy, I'll be digging into the chocolate every day.

I had a short day of teaching today and came home to actually get on the treadmill. I'm very pleased with actually doing it instead of thinking about it. DD had a half day at school so we're going to cook up something good tonight. Because there was NO parking anywhere near campus because of the snow today, I went early and paid to park in the ramp. But I didn't buy coffee (awful)to offset the small expense,

How many days till spring?

4 Responses to “February Continues!”

  1. Savings Queen Says:

    Congrats on hopping on the treadmill! I did it this AM and it feels good.

  2. LittleGopher Says:

    The answer to your question is too many!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good for you getting on the treadmill!

  4. laura Says:

    I sadly told my 90 year old grandmother who is southern CA that I am waiting for spring. She laughed and said, "I remember when I lived in Chicago and there was a blizzard on April 14!" Not what I wanted to hear!

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