What a nice day. We had a special musical production at church of Schubert's Mass in G--which was spectacular. DD and I spent several hours outside cleaning up the yard and potting the pansies we bought on Friday. It was great to be outside--plus we planted radishes, our first seeds of the season.
I finished up some household tasks, we had an easy dinner, and I indulged my Anglophilia with the new "Upstairs Downstairs."
I need to spend an hour or so on prep for the week, but hope to get some extra sleep in. I've been feeling poor. Isn't that strange? I think I wish we had a bit more discretionary income, especially with plenty of things that need to be done around the house. And I'm still in shock about the cost of our summer airfares to the UK. I can't find anything for our dates less than $1200 each. But it'll work out; I'll just pinch the pennies elsewhere and look for a summer editing job. Lots of my colleagues are thinking about waitressing over the summer. Ugh. it probably depends on when the state budget "repair" bill hits my paycheck.
For today, I'll just enjoy today.
Sunny Sunday
April 11th, 2011 at 03:41 am
April 11th, 2011 at 09:46 pm 1302554777