Home > Unattractive Air Fares

Unattractive Air Fares

May 4th, 2011 at 04:17 am

We're at the place again where we're booking our UK holiday for the summer and are aghast, to say the least, at the airfares. There's nothing on our dates for under $1200 each. DH's mum isn't well, and those summer dates are the only times that work for all our work and school schedules. I really am angry at all those teaser airfare ads. They are so deceiving.

I am officially Grumpy--

2 Responses to “Unattractive Air Fares”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Shudder. Yeah. Once in a while I realize that if one of Neil's family members passed away, we'd probably have to send him to the funeral alone for financial reasons. I try not to think in those terms, but it's a fact at this point.

    I think tickets were about a grand last time we went over, but AA was an infant so it was just three. By the time we visit again, AA will probably be 2+, which means another fare!

    I totally feel for you as a binational family. To make matters worse, we live in the Midwest and AS's and my family all live on the East Coast. So anyone we want to visit, it's a big expensive deal.

  2. momcents Says:

    I know what you mean ... it is far easier for my 91 year old grandmother to come to the Midwest for a visit versus getting me + 5 kids and maybe one husband. By the time we plan on going next spring, it might be cheaper to take the train again!

    I'd be officially grumpy too!

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