Home > A Very Productive Weekend

A Very Productive Weekend

June 13th, 2011 at 01:24 am

I feel very good about everything we got done this weekend. I did indeed finish cleaning DD's room, and today we did lots of overdue yard work including putting together two new raised bed gardens and digging out a sprawling shrub and lots of weeds. I'll be reaching for the ibuprofen tomorrow, I bet.

Some of DD's outgrown clothes went to a freecycler today. Actually, I never even listed them on freecycle. This woman has been such a reliable freecycler, that I just e-mail her directly now when I have girl's clothes. She always shows up and loves DD's clothes. None of them are worth selling on ebay or Craiglist, but they have plenty of wear left in them.

May I just gloat a bit about how nice DD's newly clean room looks? We did a great job. We flopped on the couch last night and watched a Brit thriller on Netflix. Such a good feeling about all that work accomplished and very little money spent except on DH's birthday celebration.

3 Responses to “A Very Productive Weekend”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    Geesh. I'm jealous. I wish my weekend had been that productive! I cleaned out the garage and hung one measly shelf before I ran out of screws. Boo.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations on a job well done!

  3. Looking Forward Says:

    A clean room in any part of the house makes me feel great! Smile

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