Home > A Great Fundraiser

A Great Fundraiser

July 25th, 2011 at 02:52 pm

We had a good weekend back with a nice dinner with friends on Friday night, some tasks accomplished Saturday, and a terrific fundraiser picnic for a colleague whose son is battling leukemia. With donations from local businesses we had a picnic for over 125 people and raised close to $1000.

DD has a busy week with Vacation Bible School and a nature camp class so I'm hoping to get some work done. I got great back-to-school bargains at Target last weekend and need to sit down and plan out the budget until I get paid again in (eek) October. I see some belt tightening in my future. So tonight we're dining on picnic leftovers. the A/C can go off for a couple of days, and some bills need to be paid.

Hope you all have less sultry days!

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