Home > Not so cool

Not so cool

July 26th, 2011 at 10:23 pm

Just when I thought I had our budget figured out until I get paid in October, our A/C quit last night. I did all the troubleshooting things I found on websites, but to no avail. It cycled on, quit quickly, the fan worked but wouldn't "listen" to the thermostat. Off to Angie's List to find a repairer. Now $592 and a new control board later, I'm wondering how that's going to fit in the budget.

But at least he got it fixed before the heat starts again tomorrow. Glad we have an emergency fund. Wish I had fewer emergencies.

2 Responses to “Not so cool”

  1. marvholly Says:

    Similar. I got told yesterday my car needs $1000 in work. Must say though, I have only done routine oil changes, tires and brakes in the nearly 5 years I have had the car.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Oh, miserable time to be without AC! Frown

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