Home > Newspaper Advantages

Newspaper Advantages

August 4th, 2011 at 03:42 pm

I'm thinking of subscribing to the daily paper again. We used to get it, but switched over to the Sunday and the Sunday NYT only. However, the local paper started including a free Wednesday edition with a Sunday subscription, and I've really enjoyed it. I found some useful coupons, including, strangely enough, one for the gold buyer I just met.

I also listened to an NPR broadcast yesterday about newspaper sales in India and was struck by how many Indian kids said they enjoyed the paper, commenting on how it kept them up with current events. As a child, I felt the same way. I loved the newspaper, and DD is now 9 and might enjoy it too. I know I can read on line for free, and we always listen to the Newshour, but if I can find a decent deal, I'm giving it a try.

2 Responses to “Newspaper Advantages”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    We just cancelled our newspaper. We received it everyday. We do miss it; the girls liked the comics and my older daughter would read some current events. I say go for it!

    We may cave and subscribe again, but right now it's been a good experience to do without it.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I heard that BBC story in the middle of the night, sleeping with the radio on. I think they said print media sales in India have doubled in the last six years and are projected to double again in another five years! And that little boy who explained why he so appreciated being able to read the newspaper at school! I was so impressed with him.

    I grew up with a morning and an evening paper, 7 days a week. All of us kids read them. We always had magazines, too, and read them....I do not subscribe now because the quality of the one daily here is so bad. Frown

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