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All the News That's Fit to Blog?

August 5th, 2011 at 05:21 am

In a strange stroke of coincidence, I ended up subscribing to the paper today. After writing about it this morning, I checked the newspaper website, but decided it was a bit too expensive.

However after taking DD to Kumon this afternoon, we stopped at the grocery store to pick up some corn for dinner. Outside the grocery store was a salesperson from the newspaper with an offer too good to refuse. They offered a subscription for 40% cheaper than their website--throwing in a $10 grocery store gift card as a bonus. I guess it was meant to be!

I should really devote some time to the veggie garden tomorrow, but the mosquitoes seem very thick these days. Perhaps over the weekend. I spent the evening with three months of the NYT book review, culling articles for my classes and making lists of books to read. It was all very satisfying.

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