Home > Why I Hate Craft Stores

Why I Hate Craft Stores

August 30th, 2011 at 07:32 pm

First let me say, I'm not a big crafter. I can do simple things, but am useless as anything complicated. But I really hate the craft store because my DD LOVES it. She wants everything there. We never get out of there cheaply, although we always have the best intentions. Plus they have all those odds and ends of things imported from China that add up to $$$$ more.

Yet DD is happily decorating her new backpack with pins, stickers,and other blingy stuff purchased there.

DD also has had her back-to-school haircut, exchanged some shoes, and is now ready for the "Meet and Greet" this afternoon. I'm ready for a nap!

3 Responses to “Why I Hate Craft Stores”

  1. Nika Says:

    at least she uses it. I think most things that are bought at crafts stores are bought with the intention of using it, but that never comes to pass

  2. ThriftoRama Says:

    Funny. It would be good to encourage her crafty side, but maybe you can keep it in check by having a designated craft box and she can make stuff with whatever is in it. Or band together with other parents to share the "tools" such as button makers, and sewing equipment etc.

    I do this with my adult lady friends. We have "stitch and bitch" nights where we get together and all make stuff together. It's always fun. I imagine it'd be even more fun if you are a kid!

  3. baselle Says:

    Craft stores are interesting, but I find a lot of the same stuff at Big Lots, hardware stores, Fred Meyer, Target, Dick Blick Art ... and some of these places have a 10% loyalty card program. (What I've learned doing mosaic) And I've been finding that if I want a small bucket that nothing fits the bill better than a 32 oz yogurt container or a 48 oz margarine container. There's crafty and then there's being sensible about it.

    Is she of an age where the opposite can happen? If you developed a love for the craft store, will DD suddenly hate it?

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