Home > Thinking Cheap Thoughts

Thinking Cheap Thoughts

September 17th, 2011 at 08:05 pm

DH is again hearing rumblings at work about layoffs. Just what we don't need. But anxiety like that always spurs me into action. I made a big pot of chili, headed to CVS with my coupons and extra bucks, and picked up a pork roast on sale on the way home.

Yesterday I sold a book too--so that will go into the Paypal account where I have "almost" enough for a single mortgage payment.

We were planning on Chinese food out tonight since I worked through my birthday celebration and we are without babysitter. But DD is complaining of mouth/cheek pain so we might just stay home. Bleah.

I'm showing Mamet's "Glengarry Glen Ross" in my class next week so I watched it again last night. How bleak--and what a good lesson it is on resisting sales!

3 Responses to “Thinking Cheap Thoughts”

  1. baselle Says:

    Always Be Closing, baby. Big Grin

  2. PauletteGoddard Says:

    exercise update: walked across downtown Vancouver BC today. Baby steps!

  3. My English Castle Says:

    First prize: Cadillac
    Second Prize: Steak Knives
    Third Prize; You're fired

    Paulette: It poured yesterday, but I walked my two miles this afternoon.

    I love Vancouver--but haven't been there in a dozen years. Hope you had fun.

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