Home > Interesting Day

Interesting Day

November 4th, 2011 at 12:58 am

I met with students all day and spent nothing except a couple bucks on a gallon of milk (with coupon) on the way home.

Student meetings are always interesting enough, but I started talking to a colleague who is trying to get me interested in teaching several semesters abroad. I am interested, but needed to talk it through with DH. We decided that we would make it work, if I want to pursue the opportunity. Stay tuned on that one.

Next I was informed that I'm being unanimously elected the chair of a committee tomorrow. I protested, saying I am voting for anyone BUT me, but it's a very contentious committee in our somewhat contentious department, so perhaps it will be fun.

Then I picked up the food pantry collection barrel for the department and hauled it three blocks across campus. Normally that would be awkward enough, but it was folded flat about 5'X3', and it was very windy today. At one point I almost took flight.

Back to the somnolence of grading--

3 Responses to “Interesting Day”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Teaching abroad sounds interesting ...what would you do with your DD?

  2. PauletteGoddard Says:

    Have you read Straight Man by Richard Russo? Your mention of "unanimous election to a committee" reminded me of it. It's the funniest academic novel I've read.

  3. My English Castle Says:

    No, Paulette--but it's on my list. Perhaps it should be on my Amazon list.
    Not sure, Laura, what we'd do. DH would likely stay home most of the time and change his work hours. One of my colleagues enrolled their kids in British schools--so that might be an option.

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