Home > Frugal Saturday

Frugal Saturday

November 6th, 2011 at 04:28 am

What a satisfyingly frugal day I had. First a great church rummage sale. DD and I bought her five tops and five bottoms--two denim skirts, some jeans, and two pairs of shorts and seven virtually new books for $20. Great quality stuff--mostly Lands End. Plus I met another local woman whose son is in DD's class and who would be delighted at some of DD's hand-me-downs for her 7-year-old. Frugal karma!

Then to double-double coupon day with 10 coupons doubled and double the game cards at the local grocer. I saved a lot--and got free cereal and other items for the food pantry.

We followed that up with a fun post- Halloween event at a colleague's home. They're v creative folks and had fabulous food and great games and potion drinks for the kids. Someone asked why they chose this weekend rather than last--and the husband replied, "Because all the Halloween stuff was 80% off at Michael's!) I love it.

3 Responses to “Frugal Saturday”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    Love this post! Your coworker's husband is a clever man. Great finds at the local rummage sale!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Love the 80% off Halloween party. Cool!!

  3. dmontngrey Says:

    We went to a Halloween party yesterday too! This couple planned it because they share the same birthday just a week after Halloween, so why not? Costumes, decorations, etc, were all purchased at deep discount. Great way to do a party!

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