It's mostly been a day of catching up, but there's been some flash cash and some slow cash coming.
Two textbook publishers contacted me today, one from my current text and one from a competing text. The current text, though it's been out less than a year, is already planning revisions. They wanted feedback from me through a survey in return for $20 from Amazon.
The competing text publisher wanted me to do a survey and an intensive two-chapter review. While I know they're just trying to lure me back to their text, for the $400 they offered, I'll do it. I figure it'll take me about 2-3 hours.
Slow cash coming from a cheaper magazine offer for one of DD's magazines, a couple of good deals at the drugstore, and my goal sheet (not as fun as Paulette's!) that I'll do later this afternoon.
I've been overstretched and tired, but took a nap yesterday after teaching and took it easy last night. Onward!
Flash Cash and Slow Cash
November 8th, 2011 at 09:07 pm
November 8th, 2011 at 09:36 pm 1320788168
I always found it frustrating, as a student, to pay $80+ for a textbook that was already out of date when it was published. Science I can understand, but humanities? "We have to revise this so we can include an essay about how Walt Whitman 'cruised' the woods."