Home > Thinking about Soup

Thinking about Soup

January 13th, 2012 at 03:49 pm

I made a nice butternut squash and carrot soup yesterday, and although my SA blogging friends couldn't make it for dinner, it got me thinking about soup. Everyone says soup is a great weight-loss tool, and I'll bet lots of us make soup to use up bits of stuff in the fridge and pantry.
Yesterday's butternut squash soup recipe came from the Williams Sonoma Christmas catalog. That recipe called for pork belly to make some wacky sort of pork crouton-y things for a topper. The catalog also featured a gourmet pork belly slab at a mere $75 for 2lb and 10oz of this pricey pork. You could also buy more for $99. Now the odds of me buying $75 pork belly are a lot slimmer than either me or the pork belly; I substituted thick-cut bacon.

It's January, so it seems like you're all making soup. But what soup are you making? I tend to make lots of pho, chili, and minestrone, and would like to expand my repertoire.

7 Responses to “Thinking about Soup”

  1. laura Says:

    Crock-pot made lentil soup was last week. Chili next week. Open to any other kid-friendly suggestions. Smile Your lucky your gal will eat butternut squash and carrot soup!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    She was reluctant--but does love all orange vegetables. I think it was the bacon topping that tilted her into trying it.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    We've been making a Chese Tortellini Vegetable Soup lately. One daughter likes it, the other just eats the tortellini! I also have a Mushroom Barley soup recipe I want to make. My mom made it around Christmas and it was sooo good.

  4. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I made a bean soup earlier this month. I keep meaning to make carrot soup, I have the carrots for it. If the zucchinis are not moldy I make Adrenal Recovery Soup (Tomato, Zucchini, Green Beans, Filtered Water, Parsley). I'll make black bean soup but that's not a favourite in the household. I like Zucchini-Leek-Tomato soup with sherry and creme fraiche, and this week I definitely am making succotash soup in a chicken broth creme fraiche base.
    One splurge which is FANTASTIC in a freezing January is red pepper and tomato soup. You can feel the vitamin C coursing through your veins.

  5. CB in the City Says:

    I made stuffed pepper soup recently, which is basically ground beef in a tomato broth with lots of green pepper added. You can add rice, too, though I didn't, because I was making it low-carb.

  6. mjrube94 Says:

    I make a good onions soup. I also like homemade chicken noodle.

  7. baselle Says:

    Just finished the last of the minestrone here - we collected a couple of bags of chicken/duck/poultry bones so I made the stock the night before. My trick is to cut sausage into discs - when sauteed, they turn into little meatballs. Then its whatever looked good/was cheap at the produce stand along with whatever produce had to make an exit.

    We've been saving the beef bones lately, so that will probably be next.

    One of the highlights of my Vietnam trip was having pho in the morning - truly the breakfast of champions.

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