Home > April, Come She Will?

April, Come She Will?

April 2nd, 2012 at 02:42 am

Another chilly day here, but I'm close to being caught up with grading and feeling positive as I've accomplished a lot.

This weekend we decided on a window bid, booked a vacation rental when our British friends are here, booked a girls' long weekend in NYC, and (hallelujah!) got paid for my new glasses and all my capstone project reading.

We've decided not to go to Minnesota for Easter. It's a wise decision, I think. It's too much driving, and a late Easter dinner would screw us up all week, not getting home till midnight.
But it seems sad still to me. It's the first year without my mom, and if she were still alive, we'd go no matter what. It seems like this might signal less closeness with my brother, so we'll have to arrange another time to be with them. Maybe I'll send him a funny card or something.

I love April--such hope!

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